Whatever an organisation makes, sells, does, or is, it’s driven by people .

Because of that, organisations only succeed if the human interactions that enable them are strong. By focusing at the nexus of human interactions – among partners, customers, employees and leaders – we change organisations, build strong teams, develop stories and strategies that ignite movements, shape winning deals and create partnerships that last.

Equally, detail, context, and content matter .

We can only improve human interactions and drive change if we also consider the context they work in

Humans operate in an environment, and we can only improve human interactions and drive change if we also consider the context they work in.

That requires thinking that may not follow traditional lines - and it requires getting into the detail and the data. There are companies that focus just on the human side, and companies that focus just on the content side.

What makes us special is our ability to marry the two.

By relentlessly focusing on the interactions between people, their context and environment, we design and deliver programmes of work that are always strategic, meaningful, and human-led.

We pride ourselves on our ability to work across and take inspiration from different disciplines - and to work across all sectors and cultures

We may not have a big brand name - but those who know us, know us well. We form deep, long-lasting and trusted relationships with our clients, who appreciate our probing curiosity, our wise pragmatism, our tenacious problem solving and our personal touch. We engage our clients with our provocative ideas and wow them with our practical delivery – not drown them in slides, jargon or methodology.

We pride ourselves on our ability to work across and take inspiration from different disciplines - and to work across all sectors and cultures. In a world where industries, functions, partners and stakeholders are more interconnected than ever before, we use our interdisciplinarity to help our clients understand and work across their own complex landscapes to make change happen.

Why work with us ?

Our core expertise – understanding human behaviour, motivation and interactions – is relevant in all organisations and on many sorts of challenges.

So, how do you know when to call us?

Consultants discussing challenges

Some instances of where we excel beyond our competition include:

  • If a challenge seems to have an element of hard-to-understand human dynamics or behaviour at its root
  • If an opportunity is so big and exciting – but requires a deep understanding of human behaviour to get right or could get thwarted by human interactions
  • If a problem is seemingly intractable and has evaded attempts at solution so far

Clients tend to work with us when they want to do things like:

Define and communicate a new strategy, offering or product
Create acceptance for a major new cultural or operational change
Bring together a new leadership team or business partnership
Solve difficult problems within a team or across a partnership
Create compelling sales propositions and manage complex deal processes
Identify and build new skills and behaviours
Coach senior leaders to make the right impact in high-profile situations
Understand the experiences and motivations of individuals or groups, especially those who are considered hard to engage

While we are experienced at working with all levels of an organisation, our work needs to be sponsored and actively championed by senior leadership (director/ VP level on up) in order to be successful.

This is because the nature of our work deals with the big questions facing an organisation or a partnership, such as:

Who are we?

Who are we?

What are we here to do?

What are we here to do?

How do we need to change to better face the future?

How do we need to change to better face the future?

These are questions that need senior leadership engagement to be addressed properly.

If you’d like to learn more about what it’s like to work with us,
we are happy to supply client testimonials upon request.

Given the sensitive nature of much of our work, we do not publish our client list.

There are six areas in which we are known for asking provocative questions and bringing innovative solutions.